Being addicted to porn is just like being addicted to drugs or alcohol. So, it shouldn’t come as any surprise that most men won’t let themselves admit they’re addicted. Denial is a strong state of mind!
Here’s the brutal truth – If you’ve ever actually asked yourself the question, “Am I addicted to porn,” then the answer is probably yes.
But don’t take my word for it… If you want to know for sure whether you’ve got a porn problem, complete this 25-question quiz using the instructions below:
Porn Addiction Quiz:
Answer 25 Yes or No Questions
Get Your Score After You’re Done
Instructions: Grab a piece of paper or open a text document to keep track of your answers. Answer Yes or No to each question and write down your answer. We’ll tally your score at the end of the quiz.
#1. Do you look at porn more than seven hours per week?
#2. Last week, did you look at porn at least five of the seven days?
#3. Do you find yourself spending hours at a time browsing during each “session”?
#4. Do you ever stay up way too late just to look at porn?
#5. Do you ever look at NSFW material while you’re at work?
#6. Have you ever looked at porn instead of spending time with friends or family?
#7. Do you ever get a gut feeling that you should try to stop, or that you look at it just a little too much?
#8. When you’re being intimate with your wife, do you ever have trouble “finishing”?
#9. Do you ever fantasize about porn during real sexual encounters, even if it’s accidentally?
#10. Do you find yourself looking at kinkier or harder-core porn over time?
#11. Have you ever paid for porn of any kind?
#12. Have you ever paid for adult chat or webcam sites?
You’re halfway done! Pat yourself on the back for making it this far :-)
#13. Do you ever watch porn even when it would be extremely easy to get caught or get in serious trouble?
#14. Have you ever tried to stop looking at porn before?
#15. Do you use porn as a reward or to make yourself feel better?
#16. Are you irritable, anxious or grumpy when you haven’t looked at porn for a few days? (pay attention next time and find out)
#17. Have you regularly looked at porn for longer than one year?
#18. Have you ever lied to your wife about if or how much you look at sexual content?
#19. Are you unhappy with your sex life (outside of porn)?
#20. Have you ever looked at inappropriate material in a public place, like in your car or while you’re at work?
#21. Do you try to get your wife or girlfriend to do the things that you see people doing in porn?
#22. When you’re watching it, do you find yourself skimming through tons of images/videos, wanting to find the “perfect” scene to finish with?
#23. Do you keep a hidden folder or bookmarks where you save your favorite adult finds?
#24. Do you ever find yourself counting down the hours until the next time you can get some alone time with your computer (or phone, tablet, etc.)?
#25. Has the fact that you look at porn had a negative impact on any of your relationships?
That’s it! You’ve now completed your porn addiction quiz.
Now all you need to do is count up the number of times you answered “Yes” and then find the appropriate scoring in the section below:
How to Score Your Quiz Results:
You Answered 5 or Less YES’s
If you scored less than 5 Yes’s, there’s a 50/50 chance you’re lying to yourself about at least some of these answers. The first thing you should do is go back and make sure you’re being totally honest.
If you’re still here, then congratulations! You probably aren’t addicted to porn. At least, not in the way that many men reading this are.
Keep in mind that porn statistics tell us only 1 in 200 porn-viewing adults believe they’re addicted, but 70% of men and 20% of women look at porn at least once a month.
The moral is that you shouldn’t take your low score here as a reason to keep looking at porn… Stop while you’re ahead. There are plenty of [reasons to stop looking at porn] even if you’re not addicted.
You Answered 6 to 12 YES’s
You’re addicted to porn, but it’s not too late to quit cold turkey without extreme difficulty. Still, no one should underestimate how hard it is to stop a regular porn habit.
If you’re in this score range and you don’t take immediate action, I can guarantee you that porn will continue to worm itself deeper into your brain. Quit now because it will only ever get harder to quit, and months will turn into years as your sex life continues to decay.
Seriously, make today the day that you start saying “no”. It will only get harder tomorrow.
You Answered 13 or More YES’s:
Want to know what my score would’ve been when I first realized I had a porn addiction?
25 out of 25.
I would’ve said “Yes” to every single question up there. In fact, that’s how I came up with this quiz… I just thought about all the things I did that I’ve seen other addicts do too.
If this is you, I’m sorry. Really and truly, I am. I’ve been there and I know it’s going to be a long and difficult road. But you must face it. You have to conquer your habit.
For the sake of your marriage, your wife, your kids and yourself, you MUST beat your porn addiction. From this day forth, you’re David and porn is your Goliath. Time to man up and kill the giant!
Wherever you scored, my advice is to go back to [Porn Addiction 101] and figure out what to do from here. Whether you want to [quit looking at porn] or learn more about [what porn does to your brain], we’ve got you covered inside Husband Help Haven.
Alternatively, you can share or email this quiz to someone using the buttons below.
Thanks for reading!
Much manly love,- Stephen