FREE: From Separated To Reconciled In 7 Steps
This Is Why It's Not Too Late For Her To Come Back...
Learn how she goes from "I need space" to "Let's work on things" in this 100% free guide:
What needs to happen so she *wants* to come back?
Do you have a proven plan of action to improve your relationship?
Do you want access to my best methods for repairing your marriage?
Strategies that help even if she's having an affair, moved out, or already filed
Join the 50,000+ other men who have subscribed to Husband Help Haven to get marriage advice for men unlike anywhere else online.

Free guide for men going through separation, sign up below.
Estimated reading time: 20 minutes
What do you need help with in your marriage?
Marriage advice based on 10+ years helping men solo-save their marriage
Below you will find the main topics we talk about on Husband Help Haven. You will see that most of them are about marriage crisis, but we also spend time talking about how to be a good husband.
Husband Help Haven is a Safe Place For Men Going Through Marriage Crisis
Here are some of the main ways you can get help:
Lots of In-Depth Articles

This is where you can find many of the strategic pillars that define my approach here on Husband Help Haven. In-depth advice on specific questions, comprehensive strategies and mindset tips, and some reader Q&A.
Read the blogA Thoughtful Podcast for Husbands In Crisis

Encouragement to help guide you through your separation. Each episode runs about 20 minutes as we explore the depths of what it means to be an excellent husband in crisis.
Listen to the podcastA 90-Minute Starter Course For Separated Men

My practical survival course for men going separation covers everything you need to know all in one place. Need a game plan you can start working on TODAY? This is where to go.
Take the coursePrivate Coaching For Those Who Want More

Over the past 10+ years, I've seen inside thousands of separations. I am not a counselor; instead I'm the guy who helps you put real-world answers into practice..
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Recent Articles

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39 Snoop-Free Signs Your Wife Is Cheating
If you want signs your wife is cheating but don’t want to snoop to find out, start here. Every man I’ve ever worked with whose wife was having an affair exhibited at least one of these signs.

Separation During Quarantine – Preserving Your Marriage When Life Gets (Very) Hard
Prefer to listen? Use the mp3 player above ^^ Did you hope that your wife would put the separation on the backburner during quarantine? When the quarantine started, most separated men I talked to really hoped that this crisis would somehow pull their wife back to the marriage and bring…

10 Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas When You’re Separated
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Should I Tell My Separated Wife About My Changes?
Stephen, I’ve been making great progress on myself, but my wife doesn’t see it. Should I tell her about my changes? This has to be one of the most common questions I get on Husband Help Haven. Maybe you and your wife don’t live together anymore, so she rarely has…
Recent Podcasts

#24. Three-Word Phrases Every Wife Needs To Hear
How do you know when it really is time to be done waiting for your wife to come back? This is the other side of the question answered in the previous episode. As a pro-marriage optimist, please know that I’m rarely going to tell you to move on from your…

#23. 5 Reasons You Might Decide To Be Done Waiting For Your Wife
How do you know when it really is time to be done waiting for your wife to come back? This is the other side of the question answered in the previous episode. As a pro-marriage optimist, please know that I’m rarely going to tell you to move on from your…

#22. 6 Reasons To Keep Waiting For Your Wife To Come Back
Do you ever question if it’s worth waiting for your wife to come back? Does it feel like your separation is dragging on indefinitely? We all need to be reminded sometimes why we do the things we do. This episode is for the men who are sick of being in…

#21. How Much Longer Until She Comes Back?
“Stephen, I know you can’t tell me an exact timeframe, but based on your experience, how much longer do you think this separation will last? How long ’til she comes back? How long until she pushes through the divorce?” This is the question we’ll be answering on today’s episode of…

Hey there, I'm Stephen
I’m the guy behind Husband Help Haven, and that’s me with my wife, Kalee. I am a Christian, I have 3 kids (currently 4, 7 and an adopted 20), I’ve been married for 9 years, and I’ve spent the past 10+ years on Husband Help Haven doing everything I can to help men like you save their marriage.
I didn’t start out intending to coach men through their separations… In the beginning, this was a hobby site. After my parents divorce, I wanted to explore what I could do to safeguard my own impending marriage. Every now and then someone would reach out asking for help, but I mostly just offered these men a listening ear and an earnest suggestion here or there.
Eventually, I noticed (and men told me) what worked and what didn’t. My advice improved. More and more men began coming to me for help. When men followed my advice, they felt things change. I got very good at helping men find their confidence again, thus enabling them to effectively live out their commitment to their marriage with integrity and strength.
Fast forward to today. I have developed an entire strategic system to help men re-discover what it means to love when life gets hard. I have personally coached or otherwise assisted well over 1,000 men through separation, infidelity, divorce and everything in between. Thousands men more have signed up for my courses, and tens of thousands have subscribed to receive my free email lessons to get marriage advice that is unlike anything else out there.
Why? Because my advice isn’t based on a textbook, a degree, or letters behind my name… Instead, it’s based on what I’ve learned walking with real men through real marriage crises, over and over and over again.
Want to learn more? You can check out the About Me page for the full story.